Monday 10 February 2020

Features You Need In Your Small Business Phone

The small business phone is a useful tool inside the office because of the huge help it gives to the employees. Without it, calling the clients, setting up business meetings with associates and anything else that is important would not be possible. Everybody agrees that communication is essential in a company, a classroom or a household. But apart from this, there are a ton of cool features that these phones can give you that will make your work a lot easier than before.

Voicemail – Back when voicemail was just a myth, people used to have an answering machine. The answering machine would record the messages from callers. When you are not around to answer the call or you just do not want to answer the call, the answering machine lets you replay the recorded message at a later time. Thanks to technology, your small business phone service can now have an added feature known as a voicemail. Compared to having an answering machine, the voicemail is less of a hassle since there is no physical machine that is installed. When you are using a business VoIP phone, the voicemail is already programmed into your telephone service. What makes the voicemail better is that it is way more affordable than having an answering machine. Plus, you can check your voicemail anywhere you are with any other phone without hassle of going through all the voice messages.

Caller ID – Who wouldn’t want to know who is calling them on the phone at the moment? Caller ID is probably is one of the most innovative additions to communication. Caller ID displays the number of caller. You can save your clients’ contact numbers so the next time they call; you do not have to guess who is calling. For example, Mrs. Smith is calling you. Since Mrs. Smith is a client of Mr. Doe, you can just forward the call immediately to his small business phone service so you don’t have to answer it. Caller ID also prevents you from taking calls from prank callers who are just going to be a nuisance to your work.

Conference Call or Multi-party Call – A lot of communication equipment tools these days are very advanced. Mobile and VoIP phones are proof of that. One cool feature that most VoIP phones have is the multi-party call. Traditional telephones can only accommodate one way communication between two persons. What the multi-party call gives you is more than just one party. It can accommodate two, three and can even go as high as ten people, depending on your VoIP small business phone subscription. Now, if you need to talk to three business associates, you can now do so because of the Conference Call feature.

These three cool features are just the start. There are a lot more features like Call Park, Forwarding and Waiting that you can use. Call Park is putting a caller on hold while you use another line to speak to someone else; this feature goes along with Call Waiting. These features will be discussed in future articles. Having these can put your business at an advantage and can help you in more ways than you can imagine. If you do not have one yet but you are planning to get one, make sure that you have all these features in your small business phone.

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