Monday 3 February 2020

Free online information technology courses

Times are hard these days, with rising inflation, unemployment, debt and threat of another recession looming. Money has always been a precious commodity for ages but it has become even more rare in pockets of the masses these days. You have to toil and sweat to extract every penny out of each hour. With employers refusing to increment salary’s by blaming it on recession but the price of living increasing because of inflation it has become very difficult to maintain a decent lifestyle. In such times one has to spend each penny wisely. People cannot afford to spend on luxuries when even bare necessities become hard to come by.

In such times when everybody is looking for value for money would it not be nice if you get something good for free? Countless people have had to put their dreams of a bright career in Information technology on hold because they feel they cannot afford courses. In a way it’s a loss for the sector when the influx of fresh bright minds to the industry is stopped.

But there is no need to be disheartened and there is nothing wrong with looking for courses that are free. There should not be a price on knowledge in the first place. People who have knowledge should share it with others. It is the only way that humanity has developed through the ages to become the most intelligent species.

There are number of websites that offers courses online that will help you gain the necessary skills online from the comfort of your home. Some of these websites even have discussion boards where you can post your questions and your doubts which will be answered by members who have knowledge about the topic as also members who have learnt from the website itself.

One website which I found really impressive was  . This website actually has very good EBooks available free of cost. There are number of eBook’s available on topics ranging from Computer Science, Information and communications technology, Computer graphics and gaming and productivity applications. They have a number of sub topics under each of the main topics that I listed above. It would a great place to begin your education

Then you have  it’s a website where you can learn how to build your own websites. They contain interactive and easy to understand tutorials HTML, XML, Browser scripting and Multimedia. You can also take one of the many quizzes available on the website to gauge your knowledge.

The University of Washington offers an online course titles BENEFIT or Fluency in Information Technology. It is a free course that you can opt for by signing up. The link to the online study material will be emailed to you and you can use it to access the tutorials and learn.

Many of the organizations like college, universities and engineering college do have a few free online courses available on their website. You can visit these websites and chose a course and learn from it.

Some of these websites where you will find free online tutorials are ,  and .

So you see good things can come for free in life! Keep searching for knowledge and you shall receive it.

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